Workplace Tips

August 25, 2022

How to Maximize Productivity in Shared Office Spaces

With more and more people choosing a shared office space over a private one, maximizing productivity becomes an important issue. Sometimes when moving into a shared office space, it can be difficult to adjust to the new working environment. But DataTech has been providing office space to the Victoria business community for years and we know how you can maximize your productivity in our offices. Stay Productive in Shared Offices If you think shared office space is right for you, check out our affordable offices and many other services. Room Setup Arguably the most important part of remaining productive is how your office is set up. A lot of factors come into play when choosing how to lay out your office. If there will be multiple people inside the office and you are easily distracted, try to angle your desk away from those people to not be tempting by conversations. […]
August 12, 2022

Are These Things Holding You Back at Work?

Little things that we do at work, either conscious or subconsciously, could be holding us back. It’s important to note these things and put them to a stop, or at least acknowledge them so we can understand better. DataTech has a few things that you might be doing that holds you back at work. Things Holding You Back 1. Stereotyping As bad as this sounds, it is a very common practice in the workplace. Many people would never admit to stereotyping, but it does happen and if you feel you could be guilty of it, it’s time to stop. This could be anything from racial stereotypes to generational stereotypes. 2. Not Acknowledging Yourself We often do not take the time to look back on our accomplishments. It’s an important part of our jobs and careers to take a step back and look at what we have accomplished. This is especially […]
July 29, 2022

The Most Common Resume Mistakes

Job hunting is a taxing process, and a resume is arguably the most important part of the whole thing. However, you do not do yourself any favours but making some basic mistakes on your resume. Our business community has given us some of the most common mistakes that they see on resumes. Resume Mistakes to Avoid Typos and Grammar This one should be no a brainier to double-check, but most people, even after they have checked, still make mistakes. Things like “their” v “there”, incorrect punctuation, and small grammatical mistakes still sneak through. A good tip to avoid this is to put the resume into a different font, and it will become easier to see errors. Incorrect Dates We know it’s hard to remember exact dates of employment, but it’s something that looks bad when potential employers double-check the information. Go back and find pay stubs and any other information […]
May 6, 2022

Stay Productive When You’re Not In The Office

Let’s face it, there is no way to be in the office every day for 8 hours a day. Things come up and you need to leave, or even skip a day entirely. You may feel that this reduces your productivity, however, there are ways to stay productive when you aren’t in the office. Staying Productive Outside The Office These require some discipline, it’s easy to become distracted and lose focus. 1. Keep It Mobile Sort of a no-brainer. But you need to have the right tools to “keep it mobile” effectively. A powerful smartphone is the first step. Next, you need to make sure you have the right apps to deal with everything that might come your way. 2. Catch Up Time Once in a while, you need time to catch up with co-workers and employees. As mundane and this may seem, it’s very important to productivity to catch […]