Workplace Tips

April 21, 2022

Office Essentials That You NEED To Invest In

Many people and businesses fail to realize that it’s the employees that are the backbone of the business. What better way to boost morale and boost productivity than investing in some high-quality essential office supplies. At DataTech we are big believers that you should invest in your employees. Office Essentials Must-Haves While these might be expensive, the payoff, in the long run, will be well worth it. High-Quality Printer Even now when almost everything is digital, you still need to print certain things: Invoices, receipts, tax forms, etc. If you are tired of that old printer that always breaks down or runs out of ink faster than you can say “print” it’s time to invest. Make sure you pick one up that’s compatible with all your devices, don’t cheap out. High-Speed Internet We can’t think of anything more annoying than a slow internet connection. If your business is bogged down […]
April 13, 2022

5 Secret Benefits To Having An Office Space

Having an office space has some major benefits, but there are some small, hidden office space benefits that we don’t often think about when we are deciding to rent office space or not. At DataTech Business Centre, we know offices and let us tell you some hidden benefits you may not know. 5 Secret Office Space Benefits Motivation Having an office and an office environment with colleges that are also motivated will further motivate you to work harder and better. Being able to bounce ideas off people allows for creativity to flow. Creates Balance The all-important work-life balance is a tough thing to manage. But with office space, it’s easier to draw a line between work and fun. When you walk into the office, it’s work time and anything else is fun. If you are having a hard time working from home, try out an office space, it may be […]
March 24, 2022

How to Vacation as an Entrepreneur

As a sole business owner, the idea of a “Vacation” can be a terrifying prospect. However, these breaks are absolutely vital to being successful and productive. At DataTech Business Centre, we see hard-working individuals all the time, and we started thinking about how exactly they go about taking a break. Let us share with you some way you can have a vacation. Summer 2022 may be the first time we can take real vacations again, so let’s be prepared! Taking a Vacation While Working These might not be the most traditional ways of taking a vacation, but for entrepreneurs who cannot spare a minute, they may just help. This is all about taking that vacation in bits and pieces. Catch Up Go to lunch with an old friend and reminisce on the fun you used to have. Have lunch at a place you’ve never been to. Finding a nice spot on […]
February 16, 2022

Stay Stress Free in the Office

Working in an office can be a busy and very stressful thing. But do not let that stress get the better of you. At the DataTech Business Centre, we are well aware of the stresses that working in an Office can cause. To help you and the businesses we deal with, we have created a tip list of ways to deal with your office stress. Manage Office Stress Before you get into this list, you should know, the best way to manage stress is letting DataTech Business Centre take away your worries. We handle mail, receptions services, and even phone call answering!  Learn to Chill Out If you begin to feel that stress build up, you need to learn to take a few minutes aside and calm yourself down. You can do this by Going for a short walk, tuning into your favourite songs, or heading down to the break […]