Workplace Tips

October 29, 2020

Stay Productive in Shared Office Environments

At DataTech we love our temporary office spaces, but we know that some people need time adjusting to the style of work that comes with them. Going from a private office or cubicle to shared office environments is something that takes work. Here are our tips for staying productive when making the switch. Productivity in Shared Office Environments Tune it Out With a shared office comes noise. More noise than you are probably used to having. We suggest grabbing a pair of high-quality headphones, make sure they are noise canceling, you should go wireless so you can move about the office freely. Next up is your choice of music, there are many studies that suggest video game soundtracks actually help productivity. You don’t have to break the bank either, there are plenty of affordable noise-canceling headphones on the market. Utilize Empty Space Does your shared office space have conference rooms? […]
October 15, 2020

How to “Get Your Foot in The Door”

A common question among job seekers is “How do I get my foot in the door?” They could be referring to the door of a company, a new position, or something completely different but the tips we have can help with all of the above. How to Get Your Foot in The Door Apply for Open Positions This one may seem obvious, but it’s a great way to get an interview and really get your foot in the door at a company by just being face to face with someone who is employed there. You should customize your resume with keywords from the job posting to increase your chances of being called in for an interview. Learn a New Skill If for some reason your skillset is a bit short or not as refined as you like it, you can learn a new skill that can put you on the […]
September 17, 2020

7 Secrets to Time Management

Time management might be the thing that people most struggle within the office and professional setting. “There aren’t enough hours in the day” is very true for most of us. We often envy those who seem to get it all done. At DataTech we have 7 time management secrets just for you. Time Management: 7 Things You Need to Know Stop Procrastinating Find yourself on YouTube/Instagram or Facebook often during the day? Time to quit that stuff and get focused on your work. The number one way people procrastinate is by becoming distracted with such things. If you can’t help it, get this awesome app called OFF TIME. Organization is Key Using some sort of calendar or agenda is the first step to becoming organized. You can better plan out your day and stay focused on the tasks you need to do. The goal for being organized is to keep […]
August 27, 2020

Create Workplace Boundaries Politely

Sometimes when you enter a new workplace or you are working with a new group of people, workplace boundaries need to be set. Many people find this to be a tricky situation. However, having workplace boundaries is an important part of being productive. We have a lot of experience in setting boundaries in our own workplace, and now we share them with you. Set Workplace Boundaries Learn to say NO Saying NO is a large part of maturing in your chosen career. If you cannot bring yourself to tell a co-worker or superior “no” once in a while, then you may find yourself overwhelmed quite often. Just because someone asks you to perform a task, does not mean right away. They have things to do and might have mastered saying “no” themselves. Don’t shut the door forever, but find a way to say “not right now”. Time Management This one […]