Workplace Tips

April 28, 2021

Take Back Your Mornings

Mornings are tough enough. Waking up early is no one’s favourite thing to do, but there is a way to take back your mornings and remain productive. This isn’t a simple solution, but its one that if you follow, your mornings will contain less suffering, here we go. Take Back Mornings The Night Before Have a plan, set up a morning routine that you follow, set the coffee maker, set your clothes for the day and prep your lunch, you will save yourself a lot of time and stress in the mornings with these things taken care of. Wake Earlier, 6 am or earlier may seem crazy, but it’s the time that you are most productive, many CEO’s wake up at this time. Shut it Down, don’t watch TV or stare at your phone at least 30 minutes before bed, read a book or a magazine until you feel drowsy. […]
March 31, 2021

5 Ways Taking Breaks Can Improve Productivity

2021 has been stressful enough add work on top of that, and you have a recipe for unmanageable stress. Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day without a break is asking for trouble. You need ways to keep up energy, motivation and improve productivity throughout the day. You have a lot on your plate in the office and its crucial you take advantage of every second. Taking a Break Will Improve Productivity 1. Take a walk Walking has obvious benefits: Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels, improves blood lipid profile, maintains body weight and lower the risk of obesity, and enhances mental well-being. Push back from your desk and take part in these benefits. Stepping away for 10 minutes every hour or so will allow you to get your blood flowing and take your mind off any stress you may […]
March 11, 2021

How to Handle Criticism at the Office

We have all received some form of a criticism at work. But how we handle it is what shows our character. Sometimes it can be hard to handle criticism but here are some tips to make it just a bit easier. Our Business Community would be a great resource should you face criticism. Handle Criticism Criticism Will Improve You Remember that criticism will help to improve you. Whether it comes from a boss or fellow employee, it’s not meant as a slight to your character, but a way to help you improve professionally. Your boss probably experienced similar critique during his or her own career. Don’t Get Defensive Criticism is not an attack on you. It’s ultimately a way to help. By getting defensive it shows that you cannot handle a professional environment. Your boss is not there to coddle you or to be your best friend, they are trying […]
February 5, 2021

7 Caffeine-Free Ways to Energize!

Sustaining energy levels at work all day can be as demanding as the job. Factors like lack of sleep, stress, diet and exercise all play a role in your ability to stay focused. These problems are within your control, here are 7 ways you can stay energized while maintaining a caffeine free lifestyle. It might be tempting especially in cold February to fill up on coffee, but stay strong! Kick Caffeine Out! 1. Eat Right and Don’t Skip Meals Your diet is your primary source of energy. Skipping breakfast or lunch will cause your blood-sugar levels to drop, leaving you feeling foggy and sluggish. If rushed, grab some fruit, veggies or nuts to snack on while sitting at your desk. Energy bars are good options for calories in a pinch, but not for meal replacements. Read the label first. If you recognize the ingredients, it’s a good choice; if the […]