DataTech News & Blog

August 27, 2021

Motivation Means Being Interested

One of the biggest pitfalls of being inside a long term career is losing motivation in what you do. It all starts to become second nature and we no longer challenge ourselves to change. Being constantly interested in what you are doing and what you want to accomplish is critical if you want to become and stay success in business. Motivation and Staying Interested Work-Life Balance An often difficult aspect of a full time career is keeping work and life separate, if you aren’t able to keep these two things separate then you might become dis-interested and lose motivation in both. You need to keep you work exciting and interesting while you keep your personal life new and exciting. Staying engaged with things outside of work will translate to your attitude at work. New Experiences You never know, maybe that camping trip with friends might inspire a new idea for […]
April 23, 2021

Create a Killer Name For Your Startup

Lots of people use DataTech to launch their startup. Our temporary offices are great for brainstorming or just giving you a few hours a week to work on your idea. Develop a Killer Name For Your Startup The startup industry is incredibly competitive. With countless new firms entering the market and trying to gain capital, you will need to find a way to make your business stand out from the competition. One of the best—and easiest—ways you can distinguish yourself is by coming up with a name that is both unique and effective. If you are still trying to figure out how to name your startup, you are certainly not alone. Generating original name ideas can be rather difficult and confusing. Fortunately, by utilizing these proven strategies, you can effectively create a solid list of names. Think about what makes your business unique When brainstorming names for your startup, one […]
April 8, 2021

5 Outdated Career Tips

We have some great career tips on this site, but what we don’t cover all too often are career tips that have become outdated. Make sure that if you are using these outdated career tips that you put an end to them asap. 2021 may be in full swing, but these career tips will continue to be future proof. Outdated Career Tips Don’t Jump Around Forget the old advice of staying at one job for a long time. This may have worked back in the day, but with the internet and constant creation of new and exciting career fields, there is no reason you should “suck it up” and stay at one job. If you gave it your best shot, don’t be afraid to leave. Never Say No While it might be tempting to always be a “yes” man or woman, the truth is that you shouldn’t have to put […]
March 26, 2021

Find a Career You Love in 2021

If you promised yourself in 2020 that next year you would finally kick that dead end job, well now is your chance. While it may be a daunting task, we are sure that with a little effort you can finally settle in the career that you want and love. Find a Career 2021 Find What You Love First You are going to have to ask yourself the tough questions here, what truly makes you happy? If you can’t think of anything, think back to past jobs and think about what aspects made you the happiest, or at least which parts you didn’t totally hate. When you have somewhat of an idea, it’s time to start looking for jobs that fulfill that category. List Your Strengths If you are the type of person who doesn’t like to brag, it is hard to think about things that you excel at. If you […]