DataTech News & Blog

December 17, 2020

Set Career Goals for The New Year

2021 is here and can’t come soon enough! With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to start thinking about those career goals if you haven’t already. Nothing quite motivates people like the start of a new year so make the most of it and let us help you set some 2021 career goals. Only 14 days left! 2021 Career Goals Make a Skills List First thing you want to do is to create a list of your best skills. Then make a list of your skills that need some improvement. In the new year you should be looking to make the most out of your best skills and improve the ones that need work. You could make a goal to move at least 2 of your “need improvement” skills to your best skills list. Never Stop Learning If you are in an industry that requires constant knowledge updating, […]
December 3, 2020

All You Need to Know About Virtual Career Fairs

This is something we didn’t foresee, virtual Career Fairs. Well, they are not really too new, but newish nonetheless. Especially during this time when in-person career fairs are not really possible. Virtual fairs aren’t your average fairs and you should take special steps to ensure that you nail your first online career fair. These can be active virtual environments complete with chat rooms and video conferencing, so make sure you know how to Zoom! Virtual Career Fairs Resume Updating Just like any other career fair, we suggest updating your resume the best you can. We have tons of articles on resume updating, but to keep it simple, update references, work gaps, and skills. This should be good enough to help you get your foot in the door. Research Companies You will be given a list of the companies that will be attending, do your research, and make sure that you […]
November 19, 2020

How to Transition to a Creative Career

Are you feeling lost in a career that just doesn’t express your creative side? A lot of people are, but not many take the jump and make the switch to a creative career. Whether it be because of fear, or lack of skills, people becoming stuck in jobs they hate. Let DataTech show you how to make that switch into a creative career field. Switch Into a Creative Career Find a Skill Being “creative” doesn’t mean that you need to become a jack of all trades, choose one skill, and really work on that one. Whether it be Photoshop, Video Editing, Photography, find something that you are passionate about and work at it. Spend your free time outside of work honing your skills to impress future companies. Find Similar People Find people in your prospective career field and pick their brains. Immersing yourself with these people is the best way […]
April 17, 2020

Tips For Working Unsupervised

In our last blog post, we talked about how you can beat the work from home blues. In this article we will dive into a major issue that comes with working from home, working unsupervised. It can be really hard for some people who thrive on accountability and supervision to start working solo. We put together some expert tips from our Business Community to help you! Working Unsupervised Trust Yourself Many people who thrive on supervision have some form of uncertainty about their skills. Now is the time, and might be the only time, that you get to truly be your own boss. No one will be hovering over your shoulder giving you total freedom on how you accomplish tasks. Do what works for you, maybe you like doing things a certain way but can’t in the office, today is the day to try those new ways. As long as […]