Find a Career You Love in 2021

find, career, pen, paper

If you promised yourself in 2020 that next year you would finally kick that dead end job, well now is your chance. While it may be a daunting task, we are sure that with a little effort you can finally settle in the career that you want and love.

Find a Career 2021

Find What You Love First

You are going to have to ask yourself the tough questions here, what truly makes you happy? If you can’t think of anything, think back to past jobs and think about what aspects made you the happiest, or at least which parts you didn’t totally hate. When you have somewhat of an idea, it’s time to start looking for jobs that fulfill that category.

List Your Strengths

If you are the type of person who doesn’t like to brag, it is hard to think about things that you excel at. If you are having trouble, ask a co-worker or friend to list off some qualities that you have. It can be very refreshing to have someone else come up with your strengths. It might also be a good idea to ask for things that you need to work on as well.

Start The Search

With the things you love doing and your best skills in your back pocket, it’s time to start the job hunt. Start researching companies that you think fit the categories you want. Glassdoor is a great resource to use, in fact if you don’t use Glassdoor, you are doing company research all wrong. You get reviews from past and present employees that gives you a much more in depth idea of what the company is about.

Update Everything

Once you have found a few companies that you are interested in, update everything. Your resume, social media, LinkedIn etc. Try to update these with those companies in mind, you want to seem like you will be the perfect fit for them.

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