Working in an Office Efficiently

working efficiently

Whether you work in an office or from home, chances are high that you have to be there for a large portion of your day. If that’s the case, then making sure that your work environment is as comfortable and efficient as possible is crucial. In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how to make your desk as comfortable and productive as possible so that you can get through those long days with ease!

Working in an Office Efficiently

Get organized

The office is a place of business. So be professional! This means keeping your workspace neat and organized.

Organize the things you keep on your desk:

  • files, folders and papers
  • collectibles that inspire you (like pictures or plants)
  • pens and pencils

If you have a lot of papers, it’s best to have a filing system in place. If not, it might be better just to get rid of some things every week so that nothing piles up too high. You’ll want to decide which methods work best for you—maybe that’s alphabetical order or by size or colour—but whatever method works best for keeping yourself from losing important documents, make sure it’s something simple enough so that it doesn’t take too much time away from other things on your agenda. You don’t want chaos creeping into the workplace!

Take a break

In a typical day in the office, you will spend at least six hours sitting at your desk. Unless you’re a night owl, that’s about how long it takes for your body to get tired and crave sleep. To avoid falling asleep at your desk, make sure to take breaks in our fully stocked break room throughout the day. The easiest way to do this is by setting an alarm on your phone every hour—or even better yet, set multiple alarms so you know exactly when to stand up and stretch or go outside for some fresh air!

If you can’t tear yourself away from work before 5:00 PM on weekdays (and don’t forget those weekend late nights), then at least try not eating within sight of your computer screen—especially if there are snacks nearby like chips or candy bars. If possible, take a break away from food altogether when possible; taking late-night walks around town can help burn off excess energy while boosting creativity as well as helping reduce stress levels overall

Don’t skip lunch

  • Don’t skip lunch. It’s important to not just eat a healthy lunch, but also to eat a balanced meal. You should also avoid eating at your desk—it’s distracting and will make it hard to focus on what you’re doing during the afternoon hours. If possible, find somewhere else close by (or even outside) where you can go and enjoy your midday meal in peace.
  • Eat small portions of food throughout the day, rather than large meals at once. This will help keep hungry away for longer periods of time and prevent comfort eating later in the evening when you’re feeling stressed out about work deadlines or projects that need more attention than they’re currently getting from other team members (which is usually no one). It’ll also give your stomach time-to-time rest periods so that it doesn’t end up feeling bloated after consuming too much at once; which could potentially lead into an upset stomach later on down the road if this habit continues unchecked over long periods of time without changing anything else about how we normally operate around here!


Take a break. The human body is an amazing machine, but it can only operate at peak efficiency for so long. Your brain needs time to process new information, and your body needs time to rest and recover from the physical stressors of being in the office all day. If you find yourself getting tired or frustrated, take a short break from work by going outside for fresh air or walking around the building on breaks. A few minutes away from your desk might help you get back on track—and if not, at least you’ll be able to return with renewed energy!

Use your resources wisely

The most important thing you can do to work more efficiently is to use the resources available to you. If you have a treadmill, use it! If there’s a park near your office, take a break and go for an afternoon walk. Even if your workplace doesn’t offer these luxuries (and most don’t), there are still plenty of ways to stay active during the day without taking too much time away from work.

If you’re concerned about how long it will take for exercise to pay off in terms of productivity, consider this: studies show that taking even five minutes out from your desk can improve creativity by as much as 60%. Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself!

We hope these tips will help you work more efficiently in the office. Like we said at the beginning, it’s all about finding what works best for you and sticking to it!