Healthy Habits to Bring to The Office

healthy habits, office, tips

Living on the Island gives us access to beautiful nature, hikes, beaches, and many more wonders. However, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and grind of the office. At DataTech Business Centre we are hoping to give you some healthy habits to get you back on track in the office. With the holidays coming up, this is more important than ever.

Healthy Habits in The Office


It may sound simple, but many times we forget to hydrate. Having a water intake goal each day is a good start. Always keep a full bottle at your desk. Drinking coffee will dehydrate you, so always finish your cup of joe with some water. Inadequate hydration can result in poor digestion, fatigue, and a false sense of hunger. If you find you are snacking more, try drinking more water!

Intermittent fasting (IF)

A very popular form of dieting in 2020, Intermittent fasting has also shown to have numerous health benefits. This is the act of fasting each day from 8–16 hours, depending on your schedule. It is suggested to start slowly, one day a week with a short fasting period. If you are considering implementing this strategy, please consult with a professional on how to maximize the benefits for your individual needs and how to execute it safely.

Reduce Coffee Intake

This might be the hardest one for many people to implement. We aren’t saying to cut it out completely, but simply to reduce. While coffee does wake up and provide energy, it also has adverse effects such as dehydration and increased anxiety. If you are looking for an alternative, Green tea is great. Maybe swap out that second and third cup for green tea. This healthy habit can go a long way. In our fully stocked break room you can be sure to find green tea!

We hope these healthy habits help you become more productive and focused in the office. When you can go out and enjoy all that Vancouver Island has to offer to even further reduce your stress.